Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A viscous silence

drapes the furniture

in an afterglow

Waves of warm complacency

come calling

after their absentia


Work yet

but not yet

not now

not yet

yet not after

after the afterglow

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Philosophy

The new philosophy calls all in doubt;
'Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone;
All just supply and all relation.
Prince, subject, father, son are things forgot,
For every man alone thinks he has got
To be a Phoenix, and that he can be
None of that kind of which he is but he.
-John Donne

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Danger

Barak "Black Eagle" Obama

‘Ask a Crow,’ reports Dr. Lowrie, ‘whether he would have security as now, or danger as of old, and his answer is – “danger as of old . . . there was glory in it.”’

“The inferiority of our age in such respects is an inevitable result of the fact that society is centralized and organized to such a degree that individual initiative is reduced to a minimum.” – Bertrand Russell

Boredom and frustration are the lynchpins of blue collar life. Security, safety and structure breed these things – and are to some degree responsible for the psychic degradation of Americans. As pointed out by Mr. Elvis Costello (and Louis C.K), we live in paradise; it therefore seems a paradox that there is such a lust for escapism.

There is no such ‘danger as of old’. Where is the new danger, the new glory?

In the effective system of modern culture, perhaps the new danger is in individual initiative and deviance. The new danger is social stigma, and political inexpedience – in a word: irrelevance.

Reptiles of the mind – bred in the standing water of assured opinion and norms-are the new danger.