I've been reading "The Singularity is Near" by Raymond Kurzweil, which is a largely speculative work that takes a look at the changes potential future technologies could have on human society. It's all very utopian (rather than dystopian) and especially refreshing among the many gloomy predictions out there today.
On page 357 he tries to solve the Fermi paradox. I'd explain it, but it's probably better to go to the wiki article (and spread misinformation!). Anyway once you've read that... his conclusion is that:
"it is likely (although not certain) that there are no such other [intelligent] civilizations. In other words, we are in the lead. That's right, our humble civilization with its pickup trucks, fast food, and persistent conflicts (and computation!) is in the lead in terms of the creation of complexity and order in the universe."
Which is all very life affirming. In any event, Happy Ash Wednesday - I hope you had a good Carnival (which comes from the Latin phrase for "the removal of meat").
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